Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Obama rejects Romney supported arming the Syrian opposition

Agreed by U.S. President Barack Obama and his Republican rival for the presidency of America Mitt Romney on the principle of supporting Syrian opposition ensures that replaced moderate forces are friendly to the United States and to ensure Israel's security
Obama announced that he simply can not provide the Syrian opposition with heavy weapons to help in overthrowing the rule of President Bashar al-Assad.
In the third Mnazerthma which focused on foreign policy with Romney, Obama agreed and Rmena not enter the United States forces in Syria.

Obama said, "What we can not do is glimpsed as Governor Romney did sometimes that supply the Syrian opposition with heavy weapons, for example is a proposal may make us safer in the long run
"Assad's days were numbered," and in response to criticism Romney has not decisiveness in dealing with the Syrian crisis, Obama said he was confident that the "lion's days were numbered."

Obama and Rmena agree on the importance of not weapons located on the outskirts may turn against America

The U.S. president expressed his conviction of the need to decide the Syrians themselves their future
He emphasized that everything the United States is doing in Syria is in consultation with its partners in the region, "including Israel, which for understandable reasons considerable attention to what is happening in Syria."

He also referred to "coordinate" with Turkey and other countries in the region with an interest in what is happening in the Syrian territory.

He said Romney, for his part, the Syrian crisis an opportunity for the United States to secure Israel and make Syria a friend in the Middle East.
"Critical opportunity" for his part, Romney considered the Syrian crisis, "a critical opportunity" to make Syria a "friendly state party official in the Middle East."
Despite his refusal to engage in military action in Syria, Romney said he must play a leading role in America to deal with the crisis in order to remove Assad.
"I do not want to be dragged into a military conflict there"
"Syria plays an important role in the Middle East now, which is Iran's only ally in the Arab world, a way to arm Hezbollah, which threatens course Israel, our ally in the region."
With regard to the arming of the Syrian opposition, the Republican candidate said, "We want to coordinate operations arming the opposition with our allies, especially Israel."
"The right way is for us to work through our partners in the framework of their resources to identify the responsible parties within Syria and organize and unite them in some form, if not the government, so be it council can take the lead in Syria."
Substitutes Alosdoakd importance "to make sure that they have the necessary weapons to defend themselves."
The condition Romney "certainty that weapons will not fall into the wrong hands, which could be used to harm the United States at the end of it."
"We must arm the insurgency, but we want to make sure that we have a good relationship with the people who will replace al-Assad to see Syria in the coming years as a friend and a responsible party in the East and condition this is a critical opportunity. We need Leadership leadership role."
He stressed the need to have replacements Assad irresponsible.
T criticized me what he considered depending on the part of the Obama administration to the United Nations.
He said that this led to the intervention of Russia.
He stressed that it does not require the intervention of a U.S. military ground forces on the ground.
"I should have played a leadership role."
The Republican candidate pointed to concern "Qataris and the Saudis and the Turks on the Syrian crisis." He said that it takes "effort very effective leadership in Syria to arm the opposition the necessary weapons."

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